We tailor our services to provide exactly what you need through each of our individual management plans.
Our consulting services include all aspects necessary to drive a safe and compliant regulatory and environmental, health and safety program through written plans, worker training, process implementation, monitoring and inspection, record-keeping, and reporting.
Through our network of experienced professionals, we offer training to comply with Worker Safety, Environmental, Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Waste, Industrial Hygiene, Storm Water, Waste Water, and Air Emissions requirements.
Representative services offered by IEL include:
Air Monitoring
Asbestos, Lead, and PCB disposal
Biennial Reports
Blood Borne Pathogens
Business Emergency Plans
Chemical Hygiene Plans
Confined Space Programs
Contingency Plans
Crane safety/OSHA Regulations
Emergency Action Plans
Ergonomics Programs
Fire Prevention Plans
Fire Safety/Portable Extinguishers
Forklift Training Programs
Hazard Communication Plans
Hazardous Materials Inventory
Hazardous Waste Training
Hearing Conservation Programs
Household Hazardous Waste Programs
Indoor Air Quality/Worker Exposure
Injury & Illness Prevention Plans
Laser Safety Programs
Lockout/Tagout Programs
Loss Control
MSDS Management Program
OSHA General Industry Safety Orders
OSHA 300 logs
Personal Protective Equipment
Prop 65 Warning/Disclosure
Pollution Prevention Plans
Recycling/Reuse Programs
Remediation Projects
Respiratory Protection Program
Risk Management
Sanitation Districts/Wastewater Discharge
SARA Title III (Form R) Reporting
SCAQMD/Air Permitting
SDS Writing
Source Reduction Plans
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
Tiered Permitting (PBR)
TSDF Auditing
Transportation and Disposal
Universal Hazardous Waste
UST/AST Compliance Programs
Waste Minimization (SB-14)
Welding Safety Program
Work From Height/Fall Protection
Workplace Injury (OSHA) accident investigation and correction
We're here to train your team.
You have your business to run. Goals and metrics to manage. You cannot be everywhere and administer every aspect of complicated and ever changing worker training regulations.
That's why we're here.
The key to compliance?
Properly Trained Employees.
We pride ourselves in providing individually tailored programs that meet your company's needs, while delivering employee training that meets or exceeds regulatory requirements.
The California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) is a mandatory statewide web-based reporting system that supports the exchange of required Unified Program information among business, local governments, and the EPA.
Businesses have to report ANY hazardous materials stored on site exceeding the threshold amounts:
Liquids ≥ 55 gallons in a single container or in an area
Solids ≥ 500 lbs in a single container or in an area
Gases > 1 standard cylinder (generally)
We sample, test, and characterize your waste promptly and accurately.
Waste Sampling
We dispose of your waste at certified waste disposal facilities in California.
Waste Disposal
Waste Transportation
Efficient transportation of your hazardous waste is achievable through our waste services.
We provide full consultations on how to fix individual or collective aspects of EHS. Our consultations are solutions driven, dedicated to discovering the root of each problem in order to remedy at the source. We engage in what we call 'cross disciplinary' services. We recognize that a safety or hazardous materials issue in one area ultimately affects several other areas. Therefore, each issue is addressed comprehensively to assure applicable regulations from the numerous agencies or disciplines are met. A hazardous material use, for example, may entail worker safety considerations. Likewise it may also bring storage, employee training, worker exposure, recordkeeping, air emissions, or even disposal requirements. Our approach is to always apply a comprehensive treatment to each issue to assure all regulatory compliance requirements are managed.
Our consultations result in the writing, management, and/or execution of compliance programs and employee trainings based on what each individual client needs, across all industries.
An expert testimony is permissible if the witness is "qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training or education."
We provide expert testimony in areas of OSHA/worker safety, hazardous materials management, hazardous waste management, Industrial Hygiene and permitting.
Our testimony is focused on qualified, definitive opinions with respect to environmental health and safety regulatory compliance.
Please contact us directly for specific details at (951) 313-6569.